incontinence pad:Maternal self-health monitoring and management during new coronary pneumonia

1. do a good job of self-health monitoring. Pay attention to daily temperature, weight changes, respiratory tract infection symptoms, regular monitoring of fetal movements.

 2. pregnant women in early pregnancy, if B have confirmed intrauterine pregnancy, mild abdominal pain or a small amount of bleeding, can rest at home observation; if repeated irregular small amount of bleeding, should consult an appointment obstetrician after B ultrasound examination, excluding fetal suspension; If abdominal pain increases or bleeding increases, or without confirmation of intrauterine pregnancy, should consult the obstetrician in time, follow the doctor's advice.

 3. during the high incidence of the epidemic, pregnant women without special circumstances can negotiate with obstetricians to delay the time of birth examination and monitor the fetal intrauterine condition (fetal movement). Must check in advance, should make an appointment, do a good job of protection, and try to shorten the time of medical treatment. Pregnant women with complications and complications should be treated strictly according to doctor's instructions. Abnormal conditions during pregnancy (headache, unclear vision, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, vaginal bleeding or fluid flow, abnormal abdominal pain, abnormal fetal movement, etc.) or signs of delivery should be promptly sought medical treatment. Don't be afraid or worried.src=http___5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.com_images_20200402_14b6289cb4f146e48d2b3d5c5bf69f90.JPG&refer=http___5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.jpg

 4. pregnant women develop nasal congestion, pharynx discomfort and other mild diseases, if within 14 days there is no history of travel, residence or close contact with patients diagnosed with new crown pneumonia, no fever, can be observed at home, adequate rest, daily monitoring of body temperature and self-observation of symptoms.

 5. if pregnant women have a history of travel, residence, or close contact with patients with newly diagnosed coronary pneumonia within 14 days, medical observation should be carried out at home or in a designated place according to the requirements. Pregnant women should pay close attention to their symptoms and monitor fetal movements during observation. If there are suspicious symptoms (including fever, cough, sore throat, chest tightness, dyspnea, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, muscle soreness, etc.) do not panic, immediately contact community managers or medical observers to accurately inform their own health status, timely medical treatment.

 Breastfeeding is not recommended 6. the release of maternal isolation. Neonatal isolation is recommended for 10-14 days and neonatal condition is closely observed. During this period, any symptoms of discomfort are timely medical treatment.


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