Value Proposition.

We've lived by a simple set of principles we always innovating. We use them to guide our decisions and drive us towards our goal: make things better, we care.

1. We challenge ourselves and are passionate about doing things well and beautifully: We face adversity with an open mind in order to absorb the knowledge it offers, and we use each opportunity to improve and be a better company. Making high quality personal care products, seeking excellence and finding beauty energize us.

2. We are a results-oriented organization: Companies are perfectly designed to achieve the results they get. Our strong commitment to the company goals reflects our focus on the results.

3. We support the development of our stakeholders: We believe that our stakeholders should be emotionally and rationally connected to our dreams and goals. We want to grow together with them, we will be a stronger and better company.

4. We build our reputation on everything we do on a daily basis: Our reputation is the sum of all our decisions, and it reflects our credibility. Walking the talk is a commitment towards healthy growth and our future sustainability.