

An Introduction to the Watermelon

Watermelon (scientific name: Citrullus lanatus, English: Watermelon), native to Africa. Watermelon is a Gemini leaf flowering plant shaped like a vine with feathered leaves. The fruit it bears is false and belongs to the category of botists called false berries. The skin is smooth, green or yellow, and juicy red or yellow (rare white). The watermelon produces up to 100 fruit.

Can you eat watermelon during menstruation

It is best not to eat watermelon during menstruation. Although watermelon contains a lot of water, a variety of amino acids and sugar, has the effect of clearing heat and relieving, refreshing and thirst. But watermelon is cold and slippery, if you eat watermelon during menstruation, especially raw and cold watermelon, the blood will be stimulated by temperature changes, resulting in poor circulation, easy to produce blood clots, resulting in pain. It is recommended that you had better eat less watermelon during menstruation.


Can babies eat watermelon?

The baby can feed the right amount of juice, watermelon juice can also be, the mother can make a little watermelon juice for the baby to eat. But at the beginning must be some water, and then slowly increase the concentration, if the baby has no adverse reactions to continue to feed pure watermelon juice. Adding other juice is also such a step, and the mother should pay attention that the juice must be freshly squeezed, try not to avoid the packaging sold in the supermarket.