
The Nutritional Value of the Banana


Bananas, plantain aceae, widely cultivated in tropical areas. Banana flavor fragrant, nutritious, can be harvested all the year round, in the temperate area.

Bananas is a high-calorie fruit, contains a large amount of sugar and other nutrients, can fill hunger, supplement nutrition and energy, in some bananas also as the main food in tropical areas.

Banana pulp has high nutritional value, vitamin A can promote growth, enhance the resistance to disease, is necessary to maintain normal fertility and vision; thiamine can resist beriberi, promote appetite, digestion, protect the nervous system; riboflavin can promote the normal growth and development of human body.

 1. Banana cold can clear bowel heat, taste sweet can embellish bowel defecation, can treat heat disease, thirst and other diseases;

 2. Bananas can relieve the stimulation of gastric acid and protect the gastric mucosa;

 3. Bananas contain angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, which can inhibit the increase of blood pressure;

 4. Methanol extract from banana pulp has an inhibitory effect on bacteria and fungi, which can reduce anti-inflammation and detoxify;

 5. A large number of carbohydrates and dietary fiber in bananas can prevent cancer.

Banana false stem, buds, buds all contain a lot of nutrients, are very good green feed, can be used to feed pigs. Fake stem and leaves are rich in cellulose, can make rope, weaving and paper; the juice can make a food preservative and dye fixagent, the false stem ash content is very high, can be used for alkali water. The potassium content of false stem and leaves is high, and the field increases the organic matter of the soil and loose soil, but also increases the potassium of the soil.

Can you eat bananas during menstruation

You can eat bananas appropriately during menstruation. Bananas are also called "happy fruit", but menstrual women are prone to be upset, eating some bananas is good. But at the same time, the banana is cold, hurt the Yang Qi. And banana has the effect of receiving classics, may make menstrual quantity reduce, cause menstruation irregular, so can not eat banana more during menstruation.

But some properties partial cool food can not eat more, such as ice, wax gourd, eggplant, loofah gourd, cucumber, wax gourd, crab, snail, kelp, bamboo shoots, orange, pear, grapefruit, watermelon, etc., as well as sour food, such as plum, immature sour fruit, or some hot food, such as fried, pepper, pepper, mustard, etc., should also avoid eating during the period, so as not to cause not smooth blood.
