Color of menarche

src=http___5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.com_images_20171012_17fca084bfd04c21bbb1d0fb7f9cb822.jpg&refer=http___5b0988e595225.cdn.sohucs.jpgIt is said that the color of menstruation represents whether women are healthy, but for women who first come to menstruation, they are not so clear about menstruation, let alone the color of menarche. So, what is the color of menarche?

 Generally speaking, the color of menarche is not so healthy, may be bright red, may also be brown, everyone's situation may be different, can not say whose health, whose is not healthy. Because the color of menarche and the color of menstruation must be different.

 The reason that causes menstrual menarche color, mainly because the time that first comes menstruation, female is still relatively small, the regulation function of menstruation itself is not fully developed, so the color of menstruation can appear less healthy. But do not need to worry, this is a normal situation, when the next few menstruation, will find that the color of menstruation and menarche is different, that is, returned to normal.

 Menarche, women should pay attention to hygiene, avoid menstrual invasion by bacteria, resulting in other diseases of the body. In addition, during menarche to eat light food, do not eat spicy food, to ensure adequate sleep.