Causes of dysmenorrhea

u=3557760436,1722830348&fm=26&gp=0.jpgDysmenorrhea is not only caused by the health of simple body organs, its causes are various, you will not notice the pressure, you constantly resist the pain of hypnosis shallow consciousness, even emotional instability will cause dysmenorrhea flood! Here is a specific understanding of the real causes of dysmenorrhea.

 1. primary: Half of women have dysmenorrhea, but they all have primary, about 50%, which is physiological. Menstruation appears some uncomfortable, for example, lower abdominal pain is some normal physiological phenomenon, everyone comes to menstruation will have some uncomfortable, but everyone feels different. That is to say, dysmenorrhea affects normal life is a disease.

2. uterine dysplasia: Uterine development is easy to be associated with abnormal blood supply, resulting in uterine ischemia, hypoxia and dysmenorrhea.

3. weak: The upper muscles of the abdomen have the function of supporting the abdominal visceral organs. If this part of the muscle group is not well developed, the function of supporting the relevant organs is worse, so that the feeling of pain will be produced because of the pulling of the weight of the organs.

 4. nervous: Menstruation is irritable, anxious, nervous and fearful, so the feeling of pain is more sensitive than the average person. Even if slight discomfort, will feel pain, and the more nervous, the more pain. This pain is mainly caused or aggravated by psychological effects.

 5. endometriosis: It is very similar to the symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea.

 If the patient has a family history of progressive dysmenorrhea or endometriosis (the mother or sister has the disease), early laparoscopy should be performed to make a clear diagnosis and early conservative surgical treatment to preserve fertility.

 6. hormone effects: Menstruation is generally in the ovary ovulation about two weeks after the tide, ovarian ovulation gradually produce corpus luteum, luteum can secrete progesterone. Progesterone production can make the cervix strong contraction, affect the uterine blood outflow. More menstrual blood in the uterus, stimulate the uterus, will cause strong uterine contraction, resulting in pain.

 7. cervical canal stenosis: Mainly menstrual outflow blocked, causing dysmenorrhea. Prostaglandin (PG) in 8. endometrium and menstrual blood

 Prostaglandin E2(PG E2) acts on uterine muscle fibers to contract and cause dysmenorrhea. Prostaglandin content in endometrial tissue of dysmenorrhea patients was significantly increased in normal women.

 9. uterine overcontraction: Although the uterine contraction pressure of dysmenorrhea patients is basically the same as that of normal women (the normal pressure is about 4.9 Kpa), the uterine contraction lasts longer and is often not easy to relax completely, so dysmenorrhea caused by excessive uterine contraction occurs.

 10. Abnormal uterine contractions: Dysmenorrhea patients often have abnormal uterine contraction, so often lead to uterine smooth muscle ischemia, uterine muscle ischemia can cause spasmodic contraction of uterine muscles, resulting in pain and dysmenorrhea.

 11. Excessive exercise: Severe exercise, cold by wind, cold, and so on, are easy to cause dysmenorrhea.

 12. Gynaecology: such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammation, adenomyosis, hysteromyoma, etc. Uterine placement of IUD (commonly known as IUD ring) is also easy to cause dysmenorrhea.

 13. Bad air: Air is uncomfortable with certain industrial or chemical odors, such as gasoline, scented water and other causes of dysmenorrhea.

 14. Genetic factors

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