What are the foods that contain vitamin b?

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B group of vitamins include vitamins B1、 vitamins B2、 vitamins B6、 niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, etc. B group of vitamins are essential when promoting metabolism and converting sugar, fat, protein, etc. into heat. If vitamin deficiency B, cell function immediately decreased, causing metabolic disorders, when the human body will appear sluggish and loss of appetite.

 Food contains a lot of vitamins, so what kind of food B the highest vitamin content?

 Legumes, brown rice, milk, poultry are the main sources of vitamin B1; millet contains a lot of vitamins B2, lean meat, egg yolk, brown rice and green leafy vegetables are also rich in vitamin B2; vitamin B3 is mainly derived from animal foods, liver, yeast, egg yolk, beans, which are rich in beans and less in vegetables and fruits; vitamin B6 is mainly derived from lean meat, nuts, brown rice, green leafy vegetables and bananas; vitamin B12 is mainly obtained from liver, fish and milk.

 Moreover, another major source of B group vitamins is microbes in the gut, so in the case of balanced health and common sense of life, there is generally no lack of vitamins B, and long-term antibiotic treatment may lead to B group vitamin deficiency.
