What are the symptoms of vitamin b deficiency?


Vitamin B deficiency is a general term for many diseases caused by B vitamin deficiency. B group of vitamins include vitamins B1、 vitamins B2、 vitamins B6、 vitamins, vitamin B12 and vitamin PP, which are mainly coenzymes of cell enzymes in the body and catalyze various reactions in the metabolism of substances. But they are different in chemical structure and physiological function. The sources of vitamin B are very wide. They are the highest in green feed, yeast, bran, rice bran and germinated seeds. Only maize lacks nicotinic acid, but B group of vitamins are easily lost from water and rarely or almost can not be stored in vivo. Therefore, short-term deficiency or deficiency is enough to reduce the activity of some enzymes in the body, inhibit the corresponding metabolic process and affect animal health.

 Vitamin deficiency A: nail appear deep and obvious white thread, dry hair, rough skin, memory loss, irritability and insomnia.

 Vitamin deficiency B1: allergic reaction to sound, leg intermittent pain.

 Vitamin deficiency B2: broken mouth ulceration, a variety of skin diseases, hands and feet have a burning feeling. have an overly sensitive response to light.

 Vitamin deficiency B3: tongue redness, bad breath, oral ulcers, depression.

 Vitamin deficiency B6: thick tongue coating, swollen lips, scalp, dry oral mucosa.

 Vitamin deficiency B12: easy to lose balance, intermittent pain in the body, sore fingers and toes.

 Deficiency of vitamins C: wound healing, weakness, tooth bleeding, thick tongue coating.