Facial stain


Facial stain

 In today's society, both boys and girls pay great attention to their own face, and facial spots are one of the common questions, and will seriously affect people's appearance, so many people want to solve this problem, so do you know why the spots are long? What should facial color spot do?

 Causes of facial spots

 1. UV: in daily life, if the skin is exposed to sunlight for a long time, ultraviolet rays in the sun can lead to facial spots.

 2. cosmetics residue: some beautiful girls will use some cosmetics in their daily life, but if the cosmetics are not cleaned each time, they will also lead to pigmentation and spots on the skin.

 3. endocrine disorders: in addition, sometimes human endocrine disorders, but also lead to long spots on the skin.

 What about facial spots

 1. diet relief: to relieve facial spots, we can eat more foods rich in vitamin C、 or vitamin E, such as citrus, lemon, tomato, carrot and so on. Vitamins can relieve pigmentation and relieve skin spots.

 2. choose the right skin care products: in daily life to alleviate facial spots, we can also choose their own skin care products, general whitening products have a certain role in light spots.


 How to prevent facial spots

 1. want to prevent facial spots first need to pay attention to daily diet, daily eat less spicy stimulation, greasy fried, and rich in sugar and pigment food.

 2. also want to prevent long spots on the face, we also need to pay attention to sunscreen, do a good sunscreen measures, can prevent a variety of skin problems.

 3. daily want to prevent long spots, preferably less makeup, if you want makeup, night before bedtime must be thoroughly cleaned face, do not have cosmetics residue.