Does menstruation have blood clot normal?

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 Menstruation has blood clots may be the whole body of qi and blood is not exuberant and adverse downward caused. If menstruation has silt block, explain the cold air in the body is too heavy. In this situation, we should pay attention to keep warm, do not casually pursue fashion, wear too little or too thin clothes. Secondly, summer air conditioning blowing more, cold drink eat more, autumn big cool food intake too much, such as crabs, persimmons and so on will cause the body cold heavy, resulting in menstrual clots phenomenon, these phenomena are normal, but must be adjusted well.

 The reason why menstruation has blood clots may be related to bleeding volume and bleeding speed, if bleeding is too much time to rush, will be condensed into a blood clots out, often with blood clots may be more bleeding at this time, on the integration of a block. The endometrium will fall off through the blood, but it may be some debris, and the clot should still supply the blood from the endometrium. This menstrual clot phenomenon is normal, but female friends should also pay attention to their own body.

 Menstrual clots may be related to menstruation and abortion. If there is often too much blood and blood clots, it is necessary to doubt whether there are possible lesions, even blood problems, such as primary uterine leiomyoma or endometriosis tumor or endometrial polyp or uterine enlargement. This cause of menstruation has blood clots belong to abnormal unhealthy phenomenon.

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