Are there any symptoms of follicle ovulation?

Are there any symptoms of follicle ovulation?


1.The second sexual feature of 1, is abnormal

The occurrence of ovulation disorder, will lead to abnormal female secondary sexual characteristics, so if the woman has not been to menstruation, attention should be paid.

 2. Tall and secondary sexual dysplasia

Tall and secondary sexual dysplasia is also one of the symptoms of nonovulation, mainly because of the central nervous abnormality, and then lead to abnormal sexual function, resulting in an increase in systemic hair and an increase in adrenal androgen secretion.

 3. Menstrual disorders and amenorrhea

One of the most immediate symptoms of ovulation disorder is menstrual disorders and amenorrhea, infer whether women have ovulation disorder. In addition, it can also be inferred from checking whether the patient has had surgery, or whether the sexual development is abnormal, or to see whether it has been exposed to toxic substances.