How to supplement the collagen


Collagen is the main component of maintaining skin and muscle elasticity, collagen is very important for women, women with age will constantly lose collagen, if not timely supplement collagen, greatly affected by women's skin, dermis will collapse, wrinkles, skin will be sagging, sagging, pores, melanin deposition, easy to form spots, etc. Therefore, women after 25 should pay attention to the supplement of collagen.

How to supplement the collagen?

 1. The most important method is food tonic: collagen mainly comes from animal skin, so it can be used to eat pig's feet, meat skin to supplement, but we should pay attention to the supplement at the same time of fresh fruits and vegetables, otherwise because of excessive meat is easy to physical acidification, which will affect the health.

 2. The oral collagen oral liquid and collagen powder sold on the market now, the purchase of these ingredients mainly depends on the absorption rate of collagen by the human body.

 3. You can also use collagen skin care products, such as collagen mask, collagen essence, collagen essence, collagen nourishing cream, etc., can relieve dry skin, moisturize skin, improve skin repair function.

 4. Collagen can also be injected: This method is more direct and effective. Can play a role of wrinkle removal, shaping, facial lift, improve skin quality. Injection of collagen is one to stimulate the regeneration of autologous collagen at the injection site. One injection effect can reach half a year to about a year and a half.