Efficacy and effect of pitaya fruit

Efficacy and effect of pitaya fruit


Dragon fruit is a treasure, because of the healthy and eating longevity, therefore, also known as longevity fruit, so what effect and effect of pitaya? 

Efficacy of the dragon fruit

 1. Detoxify and detoxify, and protect the gastric wall; 

 2. Anti - aging, prevent brain cell degeneration, and inhibit the occurrence of dementia; 

 3. Whitening the skin and nourishing the beauty; 

 4. Weight weight, moisten intestines and smooth intestine, prevent large intestine, prevent the occurrence of colorectal cancer and so on. 

Effect of the dragon fruit

pitaya fruit juice is sweet, in addition to fresh food, but also wine, canned, jam and so on. Flowers can be dried into vegetables, color can be refined edible pigment. 

Dragon fruit has the effect of preventing constipation, promoting eye health care, increase bone density, help cell membrane formation, prevent anemia and anti - neuritis, inflammation, reduce cholesterol, skin whitening and prevent black spots, but also has the effect of relieving heavy metal poisoning, anti - free radicals, prevent old lesions, thin body, prevent colorectal cancer and other on. New research results show that the juice of pitaya and branches plays a positive role on tumor growth, virus and immune response and suppression.