The way yoga quickly enters meditation:

图片2.png1. preparation before entering yoga meditation

 Choose a posture that you feel comfortable and relaxed to practice, and if you can, use the lotus sitting posture; but if you can't do this posture, you can choose a simple sitting to practice. The correct and stable posture is the key to the success of meditation, because unstable posture can make the mind and consciousness unstable. Try not to meditate forward because it affects your concentration.

 2. Attention to Yoga Meditation

 Choose a fixed time —— early morning and evening is ideal. Use the same time and place to relax and calm the spirit faster.

 After sitting down, keep the back, neck and head on the same straight line, facing north or east.

 During meditation, keep your body warm (you can wrap a blanket around it when it's cold) and guide your mind to calm down.

 Get your breathing done regularly —— Take five minutes of deep breathing and then smooth it down.

 Create a rhythmic breathing structure —— inhale 3 times, then exhale 3 seconds.

 When your consciousness begins to drift, don't care too much, and do n' t force yourself to settle down.

 After quieting down, let consciousness stay on a fixed target, can be in the brow or heart position.

 3. Common Methods of Yoga Meditation

 3. Candlelight meditation: it can relieve eye fatigue, promote blood circulation around the eyes, remove toxins, enhance vision and make eyes divine. Improve the ability to focus, fully absorb the energy of candlelight, make the heart bright and confident, eliminate the fear of the heart, the heart more calm.

 3.1.1 Sit comfortably on the yoga mat, straighten your spine, close your eyes, adjust your breathing; relax your body, slowly open your eyes, and look slowly up from your thighs.

 3.1.2. Stare the candle light and observe its inner flame, outer flame, color, size and shape. Try not to blink, let the tears flow naturally.

 3.1.3. Close your eyes slowly and keep your eyes open until the candle is blurred. Repeat 5~8 times to stay focused and relaxed. Finally, let yourself lie flat and relax.

 Phonological Meditation: A special set of sounds that lead the mind away from its worldly thoughts, worries, desires, spiritual burdens, etc. As long as a person focuses on his yoga voice, he can gradually transcend ignorance and passion, and be at the height of good quality.