Baby crying

Baby crying at night is a poor quality of sleep performance, parents can massage the baby before bedtime, listen to music for the baby, this helps the baby sleep. Let the baby develop a regular habit of rest, can reduce the number of babies crying at night.

 In addition to the common factors that affect the baby's sleep, such as poor sleep environment, too excited before bedtime, physical discomfort and other factors, the baby's internal factors also have an impact on sleep, brain nerve development is not mature. The child has not yet established a fixed schedule. Baby biological clock day and night regulation adjustment, to rely on the baby's physiological maturity.

 After eliminating the external factors such as thirst, hunger, cold, heat, calcium deficiency, abdominal distension, tooth emergence, excitement and so on, the baby suddenly cries because the cerebral cortex is active and can not adjust itself to deep sleep. After weaning, or as the baby grows, these phenomena will always be solved.

 When the baby is crying or fidgety at night, take a pat or touch the child, or feed him and drink water, so that the baby can fall asleep again. Don't immediately hug and coax, this will be a vicious circle. Normal children with certain types of nerves sleep badly at night, but don't worry too much as long as they eat and develop.

What about the baby crying at night?

 Babies generally have the problem of crying at night, for 1-year-old babies, may be just weaning, not used to diet, resulting in nutritional deficiencies, lack of trace elements, parents can take their children to check whether trace elements are missing. In addition, it is necessary to determine whether the child is uncomfortable, if the child has a stomachache or something uncomfortable, it will cry, frightened will cry.

 suck. Whether it's a mother's breasts, a bottle of milk, or a pacifier, or a baby's own fingers, sucking can always play a soothing role, but the mother should usually do a good disinfection of bottles and pacifiers, while keeping the baby's fingers clean, to avoid disease from the mouth.

 Massage. All kinds of pats and massages can help calm the baby, but try letting the baby sit vertically against your shoulder and pat him on the back. But don't massage the baby's stomach until it's four weeks old and avoid the spine. Massage babies away from the spine and avoid nuts such as almond oil. Massage children at the same time, talk to him, can effectively promote baby development and promote parent-child relationship oh.

 Music. Rhythmic sound or music can help soothe newborns, and even the buzzing of washing machines or vacuum cleaners can help calm down. Listening to music can cultivate a baby's optimistic personality.

 Exercise. Shake the baby in the arm or cradle or push him in the stroller. Use gentle cuddling and singing to appease him.

 Fresh air. Take the baby out for a walk, because even if the cry doesn't stop, it wo n' t seem so bad outdoors.

 Flatulence. Some babies feel better after belching, so try letting the baby sit vertically against your shoulder and pat him on the back.

 Take a bath. A warm bath can instantly calm some babies, but be aware that it can be counterproductive.

 8. lullaby. Take the baby to a quieter room and appease him with a gentle cuddle and a soft lullaby.

 Does baby cry at night need to see a doctor

 If the baby is always crying at night do not sleep generally there are two situations, one is calcium deficiency and vitamin d caused, and then shock, it is recommended that the new mother take the baby to the hospital to do a trace element examination in order to diagnose and treat the disease. But the physiological crying baby is generally in good condition, the diet is normal, the crying is bright, the crying space period complexion, the spirit is normal, when eliminates the factor, the crying stops.

 Be careful to keep cold and warm, but don't get too warm.

 Don't over-eat cold and spicy hot food, do n' t be frightened.

 Don't hold the baby in your arms to sleep, do n' t open the lamp all night, develop good sleep habits.

 4, pay attention to keep the surrounding environment quiet and peaceful, check clothes bedding have no foreign body stab skin.

 Baby cry for no reason, pay attention to find reasons, such as hunger, too full, sultry, cold, insect bite, diaper impregnation, clothing stimulation, to remove the cause of crying.

 6, if the baby calcium deficiency causes crying at night, under the guidance of the doctor can give the baby to take Chinese medicine preparation of Longmu Zhuanggu granule and children hyacinth powder, this medicine absorption is better, and do not need to add vitamin D agent, during the combined food supplement to eat more calcium